My name is
Daria Samarina
My name is Daria Samarina. I am the founder and manager of the online boutique Inequine. I first found myself sitting on a horse at the age of twelve, and off course, I fell instantly in love with these beautiful and noble four legged creatures. I then took on the sport very seriously and started to train, to learn the art of dressage with the best coaches in Switzerland and in France. I studied hard and then passed the required exams to continue. I obtained my brevet and my dressage license. I also won many competitions and partook in many exhibitions. Winning at sport has never been an end in itself to me. I am convinced that horse riding represents a unique opportunity to be in perfect harmony with nature. I also believe that this opportunity is very valuable given the ultra rapid world of technologies we live in.
Over the years, I collected experiences and finally came to the conclusion that to be one with a horse, its needs and wishes have to be carefully taken into consideration. Unfortunately, every time I bought a piece of equipment from a famous store, I was disappointed as it brought serious discomfort to my horse.
My horse is awfully sensitive and his condition led me to the discovery of the concept – new to me at the time – of respecting the needs of the animals I cater for. It then started to be fundamental to me to look for other options, better alternatives, for horses. I have become an expert in the field and I am now ready to share my expertise with you.